
20 Friday Facepalms of Absolute Failure

As tends to happen in society, there have been plenty of things to get angry about over the past few weeks. And since it's Friday, we thought it would be a good idea to round some of those up and present them to you. You know, so you can get nice and proper worked up about things before your two days off. 

For one, almost 100,000 AT&T customers lost service on Thursday morning, with the network still unclear about the cause of the outage at time of writing. The poor people who use Cricket Mobile also lost service, seeing as they use the same lines. But even more facepalmable than that is what people did during and after the outage. In order to test if they had service, or emergency service, people around the country flooded their local police departments with calls to see if they could get through. That's right, without any emergency, hundreds if not thousands of people called up their police departments to the point that those departments had to make statements asking everyone to stop. I guess not being able to scroll TikTok for a few hours warrants emergency services. 

So go have a fume about that, and come back for more in this gallery of facepalmable failures. 

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